
Obviously, the bot is made for censoring messages containing bad words. phrases, and links. The blacklist allows you to acheive this.

Command Syntax

b-blkst (add|remove|view) (words|phrases|links) <items seperated by commas>

Everything the bot blocks is organized into a “blacklist”. You can access this blacklist using the blkst command.

Viewing The Blacklist

To view the blacklist for your server, type b-blkst view and send it in any channel. The bot will respond with a hidden message containing the blacklist.

Editing The Blacklist

The bot can block three types of items: words, phrases, and links. Use the add or remove options to add/remove items. Exmaples:

Adding words: b-blkst add words word1, word2, word3

Adding phrases: b-blkst add phrases some phrase 1, some phrase 2, another phrase

Adding links: b-blkst add links,,

Removing words: b-blkst remove words word1, word2, word3

Removing phrases: b-blkst remove phrases some phrase 1, some phrase 2, another phrase

Removing links: b-blkst remove links,,


If you are adding non-swear words to the words section, you need to add either an underscore _ or star * in front of those words.